Near East Elementary School Students Exalted With Their Success In Cambridge English Young Learners English Tests “Starters, Movers and Flyers”….
Date Added: 02 August 2019, 10:37

Near East Elementary School students achieved 100% success in the English exams administered by the University of Cambridge, one of the most important institutions in the world to rank foreign language education.

According to the press information given by the Near East Elementary School, a total of 136 students have taken the exams and 52 students became successful at the Starters level, 43 students at the Movers level, and 41 students at the Flyers level. As a result of the evaluations made out of 15 points as the highest grade, which are composed of reading-writing, listening and speaking sections; 72 students obtained 15 points, 32 students 14, 6 students 13, 9 students 12, 2 students 11, 15 students 10 points.

Celebrated Success…
Deniz Özkan, Vice Head of the Department of Near East Elementary School, congratulated her students for their achievements and thanked their parents and teachers.

Özkan stated that they are proud of crowning their achievements with Cambridge success certificates every year and that these achievements are an indication of their determination which will further motivate them in their future achievements at the international level.

Students are preparing for exams through the courses...
Deniz Özkan stating that as the Near East Elementary School they believe English is the gateway to the world , pointed out that their goal as educators is to provide each student with the fluency and success in reading, writing, listening and speaking in English as if it is their mother language.

Ozkan; “The Cambridge exams measure and grade each of these four individual language skills the students. For this reason, we follow closely the Cambridge English tests exam curriculum, practices and new changes. At our school, we do preparation courses for these exams on certain days of the week within the English curriculum. With our experienced English teaching staff and student-parent cooperation, we guide our children towards the highest level of exams they can achieve, increasing their self-confidence and motivation and at the same time, underlining the importance and validity of international exams starting from an early age. ”

Every star shines with its own light…
Deniz Özcan saying "Each of our students is unique and in this respect, the educators and families assume great responsibility in the way leading to achievement of students.", emphasized that their ultimate responsibility is to motivate their students and provide them with the necessary planning, education and guidance procedures.